Sunday, January 5, 2014

Travels and Renovations in 2013

Well, how about that?  Another year has slipped by quickly.

2013 started with our journey through Egypt, Jordan, and Turkey.  We covered a lot of miles; saw a lot of beautiful and massive historical structures, as well as some modern events such as Syrian refugee camps in Jordan and Turkey.  The people on our tour group were young or young at heart, and loved to travel. 

We spent a few days in Northern Scotland at Barb Wilson’s ancestral summer home.  She warned us that we were picking the coldest and windiest time of the year for a visit, but we were blessed with warm sunny and blissful days with no wind.  We told her that they told people about the cold windy days just to keep beautiful Scotland to themselves.  Ha! Ha!  We walked in the hills and down on the beach, and learned the history of the area.  Edinburgh is a fascinating city to walk about--nice pubs, a neat castle, lots of shopping, the Queen’s summer home.

We came home to snow which stayed around until the end of April, but then spring and summer were just great--sunny with some rain so we didn’t have to water the lawn, lots of purple martins, and other birds, and a few visitors to brighten our days.  We spent some time visiting with relatives and friends, as well as having visits from our friends and relatives.

All in all, we had a good summer.  We finished the renovations inside the house and finished the landscaping.  We also started work on the inside of the garage.  Our garden produced a good crop of potatoes, carrots, beans, beets, tomatoes, and one pumpkin.  We made it into pumpkin tarts. We went to Victoria to bring the truck home, and visit family and friends out on the island.

Unfortunately, our friend Joyce passed away this December.  She was diagnosed with cancer in September.  We will miss her.  We hiked with her, and went to the Edmonton Folk Festival as often as we could.  She loved her highland dancing.

Christmas is coming fast.

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