Sunday, April 20, 2014

Shanghai, Then Home

Now we are at the Pudong Airport in Shanghai, and are picked up by our driver.

Architecture of Shanghai:  European style architecture, old British architecture, modern new highrise office buildings,  highrise apartments for the lower and middle class as well as for the rich.

Huge malls for high-end shopping, small shops with loads of color, arranged neatly and aesthetically, and chatty store owners.

When walking on the street, you could be in Vancouver, Toronto, except that the populace is Chinese.

Fast, quiet, smooooth ride:  We did get to ride on the Bullitt train to and from Suzhou.  It reached speeds of 300 km per hour.  

Suzhou:  This is the Venice of  China.  Toured through a beautiful park, and stopped for tea. Went for a sampan ride on the Grand Canal. Our oarsman even sang songs for us.  Walked through the old town.

In China, it is who you know, not what you know, that gets you jobs and promotions.  It also pays to know people who can help your children get a good education.  This is known as Wen Chu and is very important.

Being unable to view CBC News or work on our blog was somewhat frustrating, however, China does censor web activities.

All in all, we enjoyed our visit to China, and now it is time to go home.  Fortunately, our plane was late leaving Shanghai, and so we missed our connecting flight to Regina.  Air Canada put us up in the Delta Hotel near the airport, gave us vouchers for lunch, supper, and breakfast.  We went for a walk along the bay in the warm sun enjoying the green grass, the flowers, and the trees full of snowy white blossoms.   We are so glad to be back in Canada.

The trip to Regina meant a change of planes in Calgary.  During our walk to the gate that we flew out of, David is staring intently at someone in the airport--someone he recognizes.  He says conspiratorially, "Isn't that the guy from "North of Sixty", the guy who flies the plane?"  Anyway, David  met Adam Beach from "Arctic Air".  Meeting him made David's day.

We hope you enjoyed our blog, and wish to welcome you to our home if you are out in our area.

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